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Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Problem of Getting Lost During Hajj

Hajj Guide 2017 -Alfurqan Academy

Problem of getting lost in Holy Mecca

The mosque of Holy Haram has 92 gates which are numbered. Some gates are not numbered. If we count them also the total crosses the figure of 100. All the doors appear similar to a new person. Therefore, one should note the number of the gate through which one enters for the first time to come out from the same door.

You will find that all the gates are extremely identical from inside the Haram (courtyard). The government has constructed five Mihrabs of different colors at five major entrances. So, you should keep in mind the colors while entering and exit from the same gate. The Mihrabs and their colors are described below:

Name of Gate
Color of Mihrab
Baab-e-Abdul Aziz
This gate is number one
and exits to Misfala region
This gate is opposite
Hajar-e-Aswad towards
Mt. Safa from where Saee
It is towards Mt. Marwa
This is gate number 62
This is gate number 92.
King Fahd has expanded
a region of Haram, where
80,000 people can pray.
This Mihrab is in that
region only.

The office where lost property and people are sent is outside gate number 62. If you forget your gate and lack the courage and confidence to go home alone, then go to the offline outside gate number 62. They will send you to your hotel or to the Muallim's office along with a guide.

Problem of getting lost at Jeddah airport

Jeddah airport is very large and vast. You will have to wait there for a long time and must walk about 300 feet to the bus depot. All the poles of this airport are numbered. Guides will drop you at bus depot but if you go for any other work then note the number of the pole, near which your luggage is kept.

Problem of losing the way in Mina

Most people tend to forget their way at least once in Mina. Hence if you understand the geography of Mina then God Willing, you won't forget your way over there. Mina is a valley between two mountains. Upon entering this valley from Mecca, we will see Jumraat, (the place where we throw pebbles at Shaitan) and then starts the valley; going further ahead we will reach Muzdalifa. Arafaat is 6 kms away from Muzdalifa.

Mina is in a long and narrow region. First, you should be able to identify the place of Jumraat well so that you remember ways and your tent. Then there are three bridges over Mina perpendicular to the valley. Keep their names in mind. From the side of Jumraat, first one is named King Khalid bridge, second King Abdul Aziz bridge and the third bridge is outside Mina at the boundary of Muzdalifa, which is named King Faisal bridge. Third and most important landmark to identify your tent are the poles in Mina, which are numbered. Even if you note the number on these poles, anyone would drop you at your tent.

Instructions and Solutions

You should carry a small dairy and a pen in your pocket and note down following details in it:

Gate number of Holy Haram at the side of your hotel.
Name of the famous hotel or shop near your hotel.
Number of the pole near your tent in Mina.
Your daily expenses.

This will make it easy for you to find your way and you will have a control over your expenditure.

Even two people get separated while performing Tawaf. So, instead of holding each other's hand tightly, they should mutually decide beforehand when and where they are going to meet after prayers. Everyone should note the gate number from outside while entering the Holy Haram.

Also note down the name of gate or color of Mihrab after entering the Haram. (The names and numbers of gates are written on both sides but you should note down the color of Mihrab of five major entrances, which are in different colors for convenience). Now, if you get separated from your companion while Tawaf, you should continue with your prayers instead of searching for your companion and meet him/her at predetermined time and place.

It is possible to get separated in the crowd of Mina and Arafaat. Here, you cannot even decide your meeting place. Hence, people follow this method over there:
All the members of a group wear a similar mark on their clothes. E.g. A red ribbon or a flower so that it becomes easy to identify each other.

A member of group holds high an identifier like a flag, an umbrella, a stick etc. All the members walk behind that leader seeing that identifier and can identify their group from a distance in case they get lost.

Third option is the use of mobile phone but one should use it when there is no other option. Switch your mobile off in Holy Haram and use if only after coming out. Angels curse the person talking about worldly matters inside the mosque and a sin committed in Masjid-ul- Haram is a hundred thousand times punishable than ordinary one.

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